PFH Hijab Movement: Rayanatou Keita

  • Mar 31, 2017
PFH Hijab Movement: Rayanatou Keita

Rayanatou Keita is from Niger in West Africa. She is currently a student at UC Riverside majoring in math, and has been wearing hijab for three years. Here's what she had to say about hijab:

Hijab Response: 

1. What does the Hijab mean to you?

My hijab keeps me focused. Every time I have it on I know its serving a purpose. It's making a statement. It reminds me to be on my best behavior because I'm representing something much bigger than myself.

2. What inspires you to keep wearing the hijab?

My hijab means freedom, freedom from the constraints of society, freedom from being obligated to fit certain norms set for women.

3. What advice do you have for those who are struggling?

My advice for sisters out there that are struggling with the hijab is relax! It's OK to slack off at times, we are humans, we ain't perfect. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep doing the best you can. Allah knows best.

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